Wednesday 15 October 2014

Autumn|Winter Style

Trying to follow trends doesn't always work well.
For adults its easier but, still not simple!
I, for one, am not an adult so trends are harder to follow. Being a young teenager, as I am, it,s difficult to dress accordingly to the current trends is difficult to do without looking like a child playing dress up.
If I were older I would probably dress more confidently but, for now I'm probably just going to express myself through this blog,
Also make up trends don't always work for those who are not experienced make up artist.

Runway trends are near impossible for anybody to mirror, so I don't even bother.
Trends set by bloggers or youtubers ae much easier especially, ones shown in lookbooks or hauls.

I know for a fact that if I do continue blogging, in the future I will look back on this post and cringe.

Grace Elizabeth x

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